“Your feedback concerning our work is always welcome, as are your ideas and questions!”

The CIR Team


If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via email or call our Muenster office


Christian Initiative Romero e.V. (CIR)
Schillerstraße 44a · D-48155 Münster
Email: cirnoSpam@ci-romero.de
Phone +49 (0) 251  67 44 13  0
Fax +49 (0) 251  67 44 13  11

    Feel free to visit us in Muenster, Nuremberg or Berlin

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    Muenster Office

    Schillerstraße 44a

    48155 Münster

    Phone +49 (0) 2 51  67 44 13  0


    Berlin Office

    Am Sudhaus 2

    12053 Berlin

    Phone +49 (0) 30  41 72 38 00


    Nuremberg Office

    Burgstraße 1-3

    90403 Nürnberg

    Telefon +49 (0) 9 11  2 14 23 45
